From our very own site! Now with his own site, you can order DIRECTLY from him! for your sign/furniture inventive needs! Go see for yourself, it is a must! ;)
After 4 years of owning a website dedicated to selling my fun items I create, I decide to take another adventure with my family. What a great choice it has been!
I have kept this blog to keep my toes in the water. I still customize items from time to time. And in the mean time, I am clearancing items from my online store that have not sold yet. You can view these items JUST BELOW THIS.
I will also be taking this opportunity to spotlight wonderful, creative people that it has been my pleasure to work with, meet, and admire and share them with you! Their links will be posted below...
If you have any questions or want to customize something with me, or order something in the clearance, just email me: Have fun looking and have a wonderful day!
Please email me if you'd like to see more picts!
Or to order one, contact me at Each below diaper bag is clearancing for $45.00 each.
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